Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Present -The Annual Clock

Time, as Einstein depicted, is a slippery concept to narrow down in few words, and people all over the world refuge to metaphor to express it. As a matter of fact, with astonishing monotony, they all resort to the same metaphor: space. If someone says: "We are approaching the deadline," he or she is uttering imminence in conditions of closeness, an attribute of physical space. So if temporal watersheds do not really exist, where does our impression of time come from? And how come do we experience so powerfully a sense of time as motion?

The Present is the perfect reminder for those who forget that time is really important. The annual clock contains a microprocessor that accurately turns hours into months. The Presents will complete a clockwise rotation in one year. It's time to contour a singular relationship with the value of time.

Help the inventor Scott Thrift develop this project.

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