Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Motorola Motoactv: an alternative to iPod Nano

Motorola introduced today a device that can be used as mp3 player and monitor a range of parameters of your body. Motorola Motoactv is a device for people who take regular vigorous physical activities.

There are many watch-like gadgets, some even features telephony functions, but for some reason these gadget-watches never managed to be succesful. Apple has started a new trend because the iPod Nano was originally designed to be just a cheaper and more compact version of the conventional iPod. Instead, because of its small size, it has received addition accessories from other manufacturers that upgrade it to the status of multimedia watch.

Motoactv is a gadget that has a screen 1.6-inch touch screen and 600 Mhz processor. The watch features hardware and touchscreen buttons. Since the device is intended mainly for athletes, there will be situations where you get sweaty or get fingers wet and using the touch screen could be difficult. For this purpose, Motoactv has two dedicated buttons. The first one brings activates the screen and the second leads to the music player.

See price and more features here

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