Thursday, May 7, 2009

Samsung Alias 2 arriving on May 11?

Samsung Alias 2 arriving on May 11?


The intermittent rumors about the Samsung Alias 2 U750 phone has surfaced again but this time with its release date. According to Phone Arena, the new Samsung phone will be launched on May 11 and will integrate some new interesting features.


Equipped with a magic keypad, the Samsung Alias 2 apparently features e-ink QWERTY keyboard which has the ability to transform itself from regular alphanumeric keypad into a full QWERTY one. This depends on how a user opens the clamshell for example, when users open it vertically a conventional keypad is revealed and when used for texting in horizontal mode it presents a QWERTY keypad.

Reportedly, this new phone sports a 2 inch QVGA display screen with 320 x 240 resolution and a 2 megapixel camera. It is also believed to incorporate shortcut keys for one touch access to Bluetooth and various other Verizon customizations.

Well, the magic does not end here the phone is also reported to consume less power as there is no use of back-light in daylight situations. Supposedly, the Samsung Alias 2 also packs in various other features such as voice mails, games, voice commands and alarm.

The magical phone is expected to arrive on May 11 through Verizon Wireless. The exact pricing details are not yet known but it is estimated to range from $100 to $130 with a two year contract.

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