Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 on the horizon??

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 on the horizon??
For those of you that were worried about the size of the current Galaxy Note, you better sit down. Evidence is now pointing towards a Galaxy Note 10.1 in the works and headed towards Mobile World Congress. Try holding that puppy up to your ear.  Just kidding. The Note 10.1 wouldn't be a phone for obvious reasons. It will still be an S-Pen device with all the wonders that the current Note offers, just on bit larger scale. Making this one an 'actual' tablet. Samsung's marketing manager Ryan Bidan let a few details about something coming slip not to long ago that would be S-Pen centric, include 3D gesturing and voice controls. This could have been what he was unintentionally referring too.

All of this info comes from two locations that Samsung has used the Note 10.1 reference. One was for a casting call for 'Teen Students' for a commercial with a Note 10.1 and another for Samsung's developer day at MWC. We highly doubt Samsung messed up twice when using the Note 10.1 name. A 10.1 inch version of the Note should be a really amazing device. After playing with one at CES, I can see how just the use of the S-Pen on a much larger screen could give people a great way to create and share. If things go as planned, we should hear more about it soon. Lets hope it is the next-gen Exynos chip on Ice Cream Sandwich and not another dual-core Gingerbread device.

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