Sunday, November 6, 2011

e-Powered Multicopter

At the end of October 2011 Thomas Senkel experienced a series of unmanned tests and was ready for the first test. The e-volo multicopter is an advanced, vertically getting up, person carrying shipping device that is uncatagorisable to its current flying similitudes.

The e-volos has 16 propellers that allows the multicopter to lift off and land similar to a chopper. Its monumental positive points compared to a chopper are the simpleness of its engineered structure without complex mechanics and its excess engines. If something will not work as planned, e-volo can safely land even if up to 4 of its 16 motors should run out. The e-Powered Multicopter can last in the air up to thirty minutes, contingent on the payload and the capacity of the lithium batteries. With an discharge weight at 80 kg (including batteries), e-volo accommodates into the category of ultralights.

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