Wednesday, September 28, 2011

iPhone 5 launch date

iPhone 5 launch date - October 4

Last night Apple sent invitations to various journalists worldwide for the iPhone 5 launch, iCloud and iOS 5 presentation.

The image above could be found in the invitation, making space for a lot of speculation. Experts are already analyzing every detail of the symbolism behind the icons and their placement. Of course nobody knows exactly what Apple wanted to say but some things are certain: IOS 5, iCloud and at least a new iPhone model will be presented at the conference. Now let's talk about what we can expect fro iPhone 5 launch presentation.

The highlight of the conference on 4 October will be the launch of iPhone 5. It is rumored that the device will have a 4 inch screen, A5 processor just like iPad 2, 1 GHz dual-core processor, 1 GB RAM and graphics capabilites 9 times more powerful than the iPhone 4, 8 megapixel camera capable of shooting HD 1080p format, a new design and perhaps a younger brother named iPhone 4S. I've posted rumors about the internal components and I think that iPhone 5 will contain everything I have presented above, except of course the 4 inch screen. Regarding the price of the new device, you can expect to pull out of pockets around $ 700 / 800 for 16 GB version.

ps. Enjoy an interpretation of the image found in the invitation for the iPhone 5 launch presentation:

The Clock icon — “The hands of the clock are pointing at both the number 10 and the number 12. Actually, the second hand is also pointing at the number 12. Add those numbers up — 12 + 12 + 10 — and you get the number 34. This is very telling … Steve Jobs’ birth mother Joanne Simpson was remarried to George Simpson when she was 34 years old, which proves that the government is covering up everything that happened at Area 51 in 1966. But I digress. There’s a progression there. 3 … 4 … 5! Yes! The iPhone 5 will be announced!”

The Maps icon — “280 in the shield on this icon is an obvious indication that iOS 5 will be released and has 280 new or improved features. The meaning of the intersection of the yellow and orange lines is also obvious to anyone with half a brain — it means that Apple’s new products will come in two colors, orange and yellow. The red pin signifies that this icon might fall off of the web page and someone stuck a pin into it to keep that from happening.”

The Phone icon — “Ah, yes, the number 1. It can mean many things. One is the loneliest number, and its location on the upper right-hand corner of the icon has special meaning. That points to the northeast, and in the olden days of America, that’s where witches were burned — in the northeast part of the country. It is obvious to anyone that there is magic and witchcraft involved in the design of the new phones. The green pinstripes on the background portend an event where all of the Apple executives will be wearing suits. The white phone icon even has deep meaning. Note that it looks exactly like a silhouette of a fetus, which points to the birth of a new era of technology, cheap beer, and world peace.”

This didn't happen. But maybe this is the iPhone 5 launch date

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