Tuesday, August 9, 2011

10 reasons the Blackberry will still exist

RIM is currently in a situation that is less wear. Many are predicting that mobile phones with fuel age will not be much longer. Many have lashed out, many are also flattering.

Here are 10 reasons that the Blackberry phones will still exist:

1. Security

If RIM is more focused on the security, then people will still look for the Blackberry. Although the current iPhone, Android, and RIM's market erode WP7 start, but the Blackberry mobile security remains the main selling points are not owned by competitors. iPhone possessed only one phone model. Apple continues to improve security on the iPhone and corporate support for the iPhone but still not achieve what is currently owned by RIM.

Since Microsoft is focusing more on corporate consumer market in WP7, the phone-based mobile operating system is found to the future will be more features that the consumer-centric, so the series is still the territory of corporate RIM. Android does not count in this section because the operating system that is open, then open is also a great opportunity to threaten the security of a system.

2. Brand

The name of the Blackberry is still one of the reasons people to buy this phone. Especially for those who are lovers of the QWERTY keyboard.

3. Physical Buttons

True if the current smartphone design is liked the touch screen. But Blackberry is born as a phone with physical keys and QWERTY keyboard will always remain so without being affected by the design of a full touchscreen. If there are people who are looking for a phone with QWERTY keypad, then the Blackberry is one of the best choices.

4. QNX

This new platform looks promising when paired in the Playbook. The fact that RIM will use this platform on Blackberry phones will certainly increase the passion of consumers against the Blackberry phone.

5. Occurrences Playbook

Many people scoff when they released Playbook RIM to compete with the iPad. While it is ultimately the iPad just expect something that is not possible, but Playbook be a sign that the emergence of new Blackberry OS is getting closer. The new OS is also said to be combining a tablet with OS smartphone OS so it will be increasingly integrated with one another. As already made Apple the IOS and will be conducted by Google at the Ice Cream Sandwich and Microsoft on Windows 8.

6. The void in the market dominance of the lower middle

Forget the upscale market currently dominated by Apple and Android phone, the Blackberry would be better if the market targeting middle class down. Indeed, this market was too crowded, but no one becomes a very dominant here. Nokia has long dominated this part gradually been eroded and this can be an opportunity for RIM to come in and dominate the market with the Blackberry. iPhone is clearly not playing in this area, Windows 7 Phone is too expensive for the middle class, Symbian is not too competitive, then the RIM still has a chance in the middle market.

7. Operators still need a Blackberry

Software Development Company is one of major unrest operators because each OS is presented will have an easy and inexpensive way to communicate without using SMS or telephone. This can certainly reduce the income of operators such basic services. Google's Android is said to be the operator of the world's biggest worry because Google will further siphon data communications carriers, thereby reducing the use of SMS and phone. Basically, the operator enjoys a few options and they do not really want Android to dominate the market and they will balance with the Blackberry Android. Curve series is said to be a favorite choice for affordable so that operators can compete with Android phones.

8. Dependence on fuel

This is the ultimate secret weapon owned by RIM. Fuel has long been the biggest reason people choose the Blackberry phone. Fuel is a chat service that can only be used to other Blackberry users. With the level of security and data encryption, fuel proved successful as a chat platform safe and reliable. In fact it is this which makes RIM has to deal with some countries because governments are unable to access the fuel service population. But RIM should start worrying about Apple's new attacks on IOS with iMessage 5 or less have in common with oil platforms.

9. There is still time for RIM to clean up

Nokia in this section is a good example of where the company is now led by Stephen Elop was waiting too long to clean up at the high end level so that they lagged behind its competitors d today. RIM's current situation is still better than Nokia. They still have a bit of time to be put to good use for quick clean up before it becomes too late. Cozza from Gartner said that RIM QNX can be a lifesaver in the future, but they must be quick.

10. RIM has survived and continues to rise for decades

RIM was founded in 1984. Means RIM has been for 27 years to live, survive, and continued to increase up to become popular as it is today. Although the state of RIM in 2011 is not too good, but many people believe RIM will be able to survive. Still according to Cozza from Gartner, if RIM is able to act quickly and make decisions appropriately, then the RIM will still remain the fourth largest player smartphone 2015.

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