Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Top 10 Xbox 360 Games of 2009: Halo Wars Tops List

Ever since Microsoft reveald to the world the Xbox360 Console, I was a big fan. You have to love the graphics and the feeling that this console gives you. The Xbox fanatics will enjoy this list of  Top XBOX Games for 2009 I compiled for you. Keep in mind that this is not official, is just the game list of the Xbox games I loved the most in 2009.

I must admit there are other games that could fit in this list, like Virtua Tennis, but hey. These are the top 10. I just love my Xbox and I hope this Top 10 Games for XBOX will help other guys out there who don't know what game to play.

Here is my top 10 Xbox 360 Games of 2009
  1. Street Fighter IV
  2. Call of Duty: World at War
  3. Prototype
  4. Resident Evil 5
  5. Grand Theft Auto IV
  6. Left 4 Dead
  7. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
  8. Fallout 3
  9. Halo 3
  10. Guitar Hero III: Legends

You should also check top split-screen games for Xbox 360

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