Wednesday, January 7, 2009

News - Samsung Mobile Sets New Guinness World Record

Samsung Mobile Sets New Guinness World Record


Samsung mobile phones were used to set a new Guinness World Record for the fastest text message from dropping skydivers. The team of skydivers used the text messaging service from their smart phones while freefalling at 12,000 feet.

Samsung Telecommunications America has earned an entry in the Guinness World Record for the fastest text message sent from 12,000 feet. The skydivers had to text "The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a human" while freefalling.

"The team of 10 skydivers used a variety of Samsung Mobile messaging phones during this challenge, including the Samsung Propel, Samsung Gravity, Samsung Rant, Samsung Alias and Samsung Messager. Samsung Mobile created XTREME TEXTING as a unique way to promote its new lineup of text messaging phones," a Samsung spokesperson said in a statement.

The skydivers only had one minute to meet the obstacle. The text message was sent by their Samsung mobile phones before extracting their parachutes.

Once the skydivers glided to the ground, their Samsung smart phones were checked for accuracy. The event was caught on a camera where photos and a video was sent to the Guinness World Records in London for official judging.

One professional skydiver told us that it became demanding to handle the phone due to the soaring winds. However, a cord was attached to the mobile device which was easily recovered if dropped.

A previous mobile phone entry has made it to the Guinness World Records as the "Fastest Text Message" held by Jeremy Sng Gim of Singapore. Jeremy Sng Gim typed a 160 character phrase on his mobile phone in 41.40 seconds on February 24, 2008.

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