Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tips - Getting the Most Out of Your Samsung Omnia

Getting the Most Out of Your Samsung Omnia


Along with better images, megapixel phones offer more memory. You can store up to 200 high-resolution images on the Nokia 7610, which means you'll have plenty of room for all the pictures you took on a weekend trip, for example. But when it comes time to move those images to your PC, you'll find yourself staring at unruly filenames, such as pic150704_2.jpg. Yes, you can rename your files in Windows, but this can be tedious if you're transferring dozens or even hundreds of pictures at a time.

Instead, change the default image name that the camera phone uses to store pictures. If you're going on a trip to New York and you know you'll be taking lots of pictures, you can change the camera's default image name to New York. Subsequent pictures will contain the filename New York 001, New York 002, and so forth. The following steps apply to the Nokia 7610, but the process is similar among other camera phones that offer this option:

In camera mode, click Options, then Settings.
Select Default Image Name.
Enter a new name, then click OK.

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